“Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts.”
Psalm 105:2
Mission Statement
The Lutheran Westland music department is committed to equipping students with the knowledge, skill, understanding, and attitude to use the God-given gift of music to serve and give Him glory.
Department Philosophy
Man has a basic need for self-expression in his relationship with himself, other people, and his total environment. Music represents one means of fulfilling this need. Furthermore, man’s ability to compose and make music represents a cherished gift of God, which in turn should be used to praise and glorify Him.
The ability to perform, sing, or play a musical instrument, is an invaluable experience for high school students. It enhances feelings of self-worth and develops a sense of belonging and contributing toward corporate goals.
The appreciation of Music, both classical and contemporary, definitely contributes to a more meaningful and enjoyable life.
Department objectives
Knowledge/Strand I - Create
Exhibit knowledge and understand of the foundations of music relative to its elements, its media, its forms and styles, its history and evolving nature, its cultural role, and its sociological and theological implications. Be able to exhibit theoretical and technical knowledge of music.
Skills/Strand II - Perform
Be able to interpret musical notation and possess the skill to participate in vocal and instrumental music-making, both in school and as a vocational activity in their adult lives.
Attitude/Strand III - Respond
To develop artistic sensitivity, given aesthetic musical experiences, thus deriving meaning and pleasure from music as a whole. Display an attitude of open-mindedness, respect, resourcefulness, and critical listening in the areas of music. Express recognition of worth for the aesthetic aspects of life as a valuable gift of God to man.
Concert Choir - Course
The Lutheran Westland Concert Choir is the department’s entry-level vocal ensemble geared towards furthering student appreciation for the use of the human voice, understanding of the elements of music, and student involvement in interacting with each other in service to our Savior. Concert Choir is primarily responsible for providing music for school chapel and concerts.
Honors Choir - Course
The Lutheran Westland Honors’ Choir is the department’s advanced-level vocal ensemble geared towards increasing student skill with the use of the human voice, furthering student understanding of the music through more advanced listening, composition, and theory exercises, and promoting student fellowship and faith through worship participation and tour. Honor’s Choir is the school’s main touring group and is responsible for providing music for school chapel, neighboring churches, festivals, and concerts.
Chamber Singers - Co-curricular
A group of selected 16-20 singers, the Chamber Singers represent Lutheran Westland’s finest vocal performance group. Students are encouraged to incorporate advanced techniques into their performance including precise tuning, polished interpretation, clear balance, and other elements.