
Lutheran Westland boasts an active, enjoyable theater department, open to all students regardless of their experience or interests. Share your talent and passion on stage or behind the scenes helping with stage crew, set construction, lighting, hair or makeup.

Lutheran Westland performs 2-3 shows each year and includes opportunities to student direct. We perform for a wide variety of ages and produce both plays and musicals.

Students earn points for their participation in each show, which provides an opportunity for students to earn a varsity letter in drama. There is something for everyone here, and a system of camaraderie and support that underlies and upholds it all - we're more than just an after-school activity. We are a family.

National Honor Society

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization for high school students with selection for membership based upon four criteria: scholarship (academic achievement), leadership, service, and character. Service is required to the community, school, or other organizations. Juniors may submit an application by mid-April, and must have a 5-semester, cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. 

1.  APPLICATION FORMS: Students are to use the forms given in their packets. (Students may wish to save some of these files for use with college applications and scholarships.)

2.  DEADLINE Student returns all required forms to the Main Office by Tuesday, April 1 @ 12:00 pm.


A faculty committee reviews the application forms - A majority vote is needed to be admitted

The faculty committee looks for students who meet or exceed the high character standards listed. It is possible that a student with average scores may not be admitted

Students who are denied admission are informed of their low scoring areas. They may work to improve those areas and may reapply senior year

Students may be removed from NHS if character or GPA standards are not maintained

4.  DECISION All applicants will be informed of the results on April 7.