2020-21 Return to School Safety Protocols
The Lutheran Westland has safety protocols for the 2020-2021 school year are listed below. These plans were privately shared with our Lutheran Westland families using our school newsletter over the weekend. If you are an LHWL family and you have not signed up for our newsletter, please click here and provide your information.
Many of these safety protocols have been issued as requirements or recommendations by the Governor's Office, Wayne County Health Department, and the CDC. Please contact the school office if you have any questions about the return to school safety protocols (734-422-2090 or LutheranWestland@LHSA.com).
Students who are sick and/or unable to attend school will receive homework and resources (worksheets, links, lecture notes, outlines, etc.). Live lessons and video recordings of instruction will not necessarily be part of this learning environment. Instructors will be prepared to have greater online class content to accommodate students who are absent. This will also be available to families who have health concerns and are not able to send their students back to school onsite.
COVID-19 Safety Protocols - Phase 4
The following COVID-19 safety protocols will be followed while we are operating in Phase 4 of the Michigan Safe Start plan. Should conditions improve and we move to Phase 5, the safety protocols will change as deemed appropriate and safe (ex. masks in the classroom would be optional in Phase 5).
If mandated to move to Phase 3, safety protocols will not apply as we will be operating in a remote online environment as mandated by the state of Michigan.
We will adjust our plans to meet the most recent and sound research to combat COVID-19. Your graciousness and patience will be most appreciated as we will likely have to adjust our protocols to best protect our Lutheran Westland family.
Currently, we are in Phase 4 and the following COVID-19 safety protocols are in effect:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
All staff and students will wear facial coverings when in classrooms, when taking school-provided transportation, when in indoor hallways and common areas, except (1) during meals and (2) unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated as documented through written and signed verification by a physician. Those students that have medical documentation to not wear a face mask will be expected to wear a face shield.
All students and employees should have two face masks with them each day. The second mask will serve as a back-up mask and may be required if the first mask becomes unusable. Cloth masks need to be laundered daily. Disposable facial coverings must be disposed of at the end of the day.
Hygiene and Cleaning
The school will provide adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors (including soap, hand sanitizer, paper towels, tissues, and signs reinforcing proper handwashing techniques).
The school will teach and reinforce regular handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and/or the safe use of hand sanitizer. Staff and students will be educated to cough and sneeze into their elbows, or to cover with a tissue.
Limit the sharing of personal items and supplies such as writing utensils.
Frequently touched surfaces will undergo cleaning on a regular basis with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution.
Hands-on classrooms will undergo cleaning after every class period with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution.
Student desks will be wiped down with either an EPA-approved disinfectant or diluted bleach solution after every class period.
Ensure safe and correct use and storage of cleaning and disinfection products, including storing products securely away from students, and with adequate ventilation when cleaning products are used.
Spacing, Movement, and Access
Class sizes will be reduced as much as possible to provide increased physical distancing.
When seated in classrooms, students will be spread out appropriately to maintain safe social distancing. All desks will be arranged to face the same direction toward the front of the room.
Students will be spaced as far apart as feasible in all common areas.
Lutheran Westland will continue to hold chapel and devotional groups with physical distancing.
With the exception of chapel services, Lutheran Westland will not conduct indoor assemblies that bring together students from more than one classroom.
Lutheran Westland will restrict school entrance to students and staff. With administrative approval, non-staff adults and family members may be allowed entrance under special circumstances.
All non-staff adults and family members approved for entering the building must be screened for symptoms using a monitoring form, wear a face mask, and wash/sanitize hands prior to entering the school.
The only entrance for guests and vendors that will be available during school hours will be Door #1, the office doors.
Students that arrive early to school or are delayed in leaving, will be assigned a designated area to wait. Students should always practice physical distancing. Students should not plan to gather in groups or hang out in front of their lockers. First hour classes will be open by 7:45 AM.
Lunch will still be offered daily with required safety protocols. Students that bring their lunches from home, should be prepared and expect that refrigeration and microwave use will not be available.
There will be no sharing of food. Treats and snacks cannot be shared with others. Vending machines will not be available.
Designated seating will be available in several school locations to provided physical distancing during lunch.
Facial coverings will be required except during eating.
Students are encouraged to bring clear refillable water bottles each day. Drinking fountains may not be used, but water fillers will be available.
Lutheran Westland will comply with all guidance published by the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) and the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS).
Students, teachers, and staff must use proper hand hygiene techniques before and after every practice, event and gathering.
Every participant will confirm that they are healthy and without any symptoms prior to any event.
Equipment will be disinfected before and after use.
Each participant must use clearly marked water bottles for individual use. There should be no sharing of this equipment.
Indoor weight rooms and physical conditioning activities that required shared equipment are suspended. Outdoor physical conditioning activities are allowed while maintaining physical distancing.
Indoor spectator events are currently suspended. Large scale outdoor spectator or stadium events are limited to 100 people. Spectators not part of the same household must maintain six feet of distance from one another and must wear face coverings.
All athletes not actively participating in competition must wear facial covering.
Would you like to print the 2020 Fall Athletic Schedule? CLICK HERE
Screening and Testing
Lutheran Westland will cooperate with the local public health department regarding implementing protocols for screening students and staff.
Lutheran Westland will ask parents to assist the school by conducting daily health screens of their student before they come to school. If symptoms of screening cannot be attributed to a health condition other than illness, please keep your student home and contact the school and possibly your health care provider.
Students who develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19 while at school will have a quarantined area in the office to wait in until they can leave school. Families should plan to have an emergency contact who is available to quickly come to pick up students who are ill.
Symptomatic students and staff sent home from school will stay home until they have tested negative or have recovered according to CDC guidelines.
Lutheran Westland employees will follow the same daily health screening procedures.
Lutheran Westland will cooperate with the local public health department regarding implementing protocols for screening student and staff. This will include notification of positive tests and exposure.
School Provided Transp.
The bus driver, staff, and all students if medically feasible, will wear facial coverings while taking school provided transportation. Note: there may be situations where it is not safe for the driver to wear a facial covering. Decisions about these situations should be made on a case-by-case basis.
Frequently touched surfaces in the vehicle (e.g., surfaces in the driver’s cockpit, hard seats, arm rests, door handles, seat belt buckles, light and air controls, doors and windows, and grab handles) will be cleaned on a regular and consistent basis.
If a student becomes sick during the day, they will not be allowed to use school provided transportation.
Hand sanitizer will be required and provided.
Face masks are required while riding school provided transportation.
Would you like to print the Return to School Safety Protocols? CLICK HERE
Return to School Protocol
Would you like to print the Return to School Protocol? CLICK HERE